The Organisation of MEDMA
(Draft of 30. December 2005)
MEDMA consists of:
a) members (= drymix mortar manufacturing companies)
b) associate members (= suppliers, distributors, service providers, Research & Development bodies, others)
MEDMA is headed by a President and a Vice President, both are ellected by all members.
The Board of MEDMA ("Executive Committee) consitsts of up to 6 elected member's representatives plus the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary General.
The Board is being re-elected by all members and associate members every two years. To insure continuity, at least 3 members of the previous Board have to be part of the new Board. The operations and the administration of MEDMA are being carried out by a Executive Secretary, who is being appointed by the Board. The Executive Secretary submits an annual report of the activities carried out on behalf of MEDMA as well as an annual financial report.MEDMA installs 2 active bodies:
a) The National Chapters:
The National Chapters of MEDMA are bodies of MEDMA. They formulate their goals and activities in conformance with the MEDMA Charter. They recieve funding from the membership contributions collected by MEDMA. Their board consists of up to 4 representatives of members from that nation. The first board is appointed by MEDMA, the succeeding Boards are elected amongst the members from that nation.
b) The Workgroups:
The workgroups of MEDMA are being structured by the Board of MEDMA and are installed and supported by the Executive Secretary. They focus on specific topics and/or product groups and prepare procedures and proposals concerning this topic. The experts are invited by MEDMA to join a particular workgroup.